
Our Process

Custom Tracks

The best and quickest way to create teach tracks is if you provide me with a MusicXML, Sibelius, Musescore or Midi file (to include lyrics).

If you don’t have that then a good quality PDF of the score will do but there is a small additional charge.

This is the point where we add interpretation information to the score such as tempo changes, rit, pauses, important phrasing etc.

Creating Tracks

Once imported into the Vocal Synthesizer, voices are chosen and lyrics are adjusted breaking each word down to its phonemes.

Word sounds will be adjusted at this point to create a smoother vocal delivery.

Each track is adjusted for dynamics, vocal colour (eg soft, clear, belting etc) and note transition effect, eg slide duration etc.

Breath points are inserted to give the singers more realism.



The vocal synthesizer used is Synthesizer V by Dreamtonics. Warmth and tonality are hallmarks of the human singing voice. Behind the scenes, Synthesizer V leverages a deep neural network-base synthesis engine capable of generating incredibly life-like singing voices.

All voices have many dynamic vocal modes like chest, belt, and breathy.

Eleanor Forte


The finished tracks are then mastered to add reverb and panning and mp3s are made from the final result.

We will provide an ALL track where the ensemble is well balanced, along with a part predominant track for each part.

Gray and Black Mixer
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